About LongshotInsights

LongshotInsights specialises in the UK Craft Spirits and Distilling Market. We produce monitoring reports monthly plus special reports chronicling market activity and providing insights in to the UK Craft Drinks Market. At is core is monthly reviews of SKUs, pricing and social media email marketing activity for key UK craft distilleries including all the English Whisky Distilleries. We cover English Whisky, UK craft gin, UK craft vodka, UK craft rum and UK craft liqueurs.

LongshotInsights is run by Tagore Ramoutar, an award winning director who co-founded The Oxford Artisan Distillery (the first English Whisky Company to recieve investment from a major drinks company); he is also a founding director of the English Whisky Guild and a founding director of a new distillery Ten Hides. 

LongshotInsights is the registered trade mark used by Tagore Ramoutar/ Longshot Ventures Ltd for his market research and analysis.